We are sending all parcels with our logistics partner GLS Germany.

GLS delivers to most Locations in Germany within 24h. There is a good chance that you receive your order the next day.
Our Handling time is: 0-1 Days.
For our customers from other locations please allow the following estimated shipping times, calculated in business days:
Austria: 1-2 days
Belgium: 1-2 days
Denmark: 2 days
France: 2-3 days
Italy: 2-3 days
Luxemburg: 1 day
Netherlands: 1-2 days
Sweden: 2-4 days
Malta: 5-7 days
Rest of Europe: 2-5 days
If you bought a good or a service online or outside of a shop (by telephone, mail order), you have the right to cancel and return your order within 14 days, for any reason and with no justification.
How to cancel my purchase?
You must tell us that you want to cancel your purchase. It is not enough to just send the goods back. Please inform us via mail to: sales@oceansouth.de about your decision incl. your order no.
You can inform us and send back the goods at the same time, for example, by adding a written statement with the goods that you are returning by post, or by sending a e-mail.
You must send the unused goods back within 14 days of informing the trader.
The costs of the return are at the expensives of the customer.
We have to give you a refund within 14 days of receipt of your cancellation, but we can delay refunding you if we have not received the goods or evidence that you’ve returned them.
This refund must include any shipping charges you paid when you made your purchase. However, we may charge you delivery costs if you specifically requested non-standard (express) delivery.
The costs of the return are at the expense of the customer.